Sunday, November 21, 2010

Passive-aggressive bitch!

God, where do I even start?  She's selfish, acts like a victim half the time, and a martyr the other half, and is ALWAYS passive-aggressive.  You can't say ANYTHING to her without her getting huffy and acting like you did something wrong.  I was on the computer in the living room one time and she came into the kitchen around 11AM and apologized for not making breakfast.  Now, keep in mind, I am a 38yr old woman, perfectly capable of making my own breakfast and I usually do, and that morning I had already fixed myself something to eat.  She doesn't usually fix breakfast anyway.  Occassionally she does (like maybe once a week, on some random day), which is nice, but I don't expect it. And I said as much to her, in a perfectly neutral tone of voice.  I was focusing on something on the computer and didn't turn around to say it, so she can't even claim I had any sort of "look" on my face.  I just answered her in a normal tone of voice and said, "We don't expect you to cook breakfast."  Now maybe I should have smiled when I said it or something, that's the ONLY thing I can think of that I might have done differently, but still, it certainly didn't justify her screeching, "Well! I can't say ANYTHING around here without getting jumped on!!", and stomping out. 

Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

Another time she made a comment to my son about how she had been waiting to do laundry for a week.  He asked why (I would have known better than to ask why, I know her too well, but he still expects her to act normal), and she said because she was waiting for him to get his laundry out of the washer.

Ok, seriously?  Somebody tell me I'm not crazy and that she really is a fucking psycho bitch.  Please tell me that other mothers don't act like that?  She seriously let her laundry pile up for a week just because he had left stuff in the washer?  Umm, if it TRULY bothered her so much to take it out, why didn't she just SAY something to him like umm SIX DAYS EARLIER?  I guess it didn't occur to her that laundry that sits in the washer for a week will mildew and rot?!?!  The truth is that it DIDN'T bother her, she was just creating a situation to bitch about! 

So, my son told me what she'd said and next time I saw her I casually mentioned that next time either I or my son had left something in the washer that she could feel perfectly free to move it to the dryer.  She says, "oh, I wouldn't want to do that, there might be something in the load that shouldn't go in the dryer."  I said, "OK, then, just toss it in a hamper and let me know. Really it's ok. I won't mind"  She says, "oh well, there isn't always a hamper available."  (First of all, bullshit.  Between the hamper that me or my son used to bring in the laundry that is now in the washer, OR the hamper she is using for the laundry that she is about to wash, between the two of them there ought to be a fucking empty hamper around somewhere!)  I said, "Ok fine, toss it into a chair, I promise I won't mind."  She says, "Oh, I'm supposed to carry it all the way to the living room now?" (I really want to choke her at this point.)  I said, "No, you *could* just put it in the dryer and be done with it.  There's *really* not likely to be anything in the load that shouldn't go in the dryer, (my clothes are cotton, -jeans and t-shirts - and she knows it), and if by some chance something went in the dryer that shouldn't have, then I will take the blame.  I won't hold it against you.  And if it really bothers you, CALL ME and *I* will come put it in the dryer.  Whatever you do, don't let it sit there in the washer for a week! That whole load of clothes had to be thrown out."  She says, "I guess that's my fault now, right?  Well, I just won't ever do any laundry again, will that make you happy?!" 

No you fucking bitch, it wont!! You dying would make me happy!!

She is NEVER happy.  Well, except for maybe when she's complaining about something.  She wouldn't know what to do with her days if she didn't spend them bitching about everything! 

I hate her!!

She is a hoarder and her place is beyond nasty.  Some people shop and hoard new things;  their places are piled high with things.  Other people hoard EVERYTHING, including trash..  Their places are NASTY.  That's her.  I remember when I was a teenager, and my sister had a baby.  She was a pig too, and she left dirty diapers in the hall bathroom, some on the counter and some on the floor.  I moved out because the two of them were so disgusting and I went to go live with my dad.  I went back to visit over a year later and the SAME diapers were still on the floor!  You might ask me how I know they were the SAME ones.  Well, have you ever seen/smelled a diaper that is a year old?  If you saw it, you would know!

The whole time I was growing up, the house was nasty.  Garbage would be piled up by the back door, a week's worth and if they didn't remember to put it by the curb to be picked up, it would sit another week, along with the new week's garbage.  We had a sliding glass door in the kitchen and most of the time you couldn't even get out the door because the garbage was piled so high.  And it would have maggots on it.

Psycho's home, gotta go!